Rainbow Snippets 07/02

LitM postcard (1)

Hello Folks and fellow Snippeteers.

It’s a busy weekend for some people.  There are a few Pride celebrations going on.  We had a Chilli Festival to go to this week (which was just another excuse to stuff ourselves with food).  Happy Independence Day or Canada Day to my friends across the pond depending on what part of the continent you are on.  Careful with those fireworks.

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In view of the fact that Smashwords are having a 50% off sale throughout July I thought I’d share six sentences from my novella “Locked in the Moment” which is included in the sale.

First, here’s the blurb:

Due to a misunderstanding, the troll that lives underneath one of the most romantic bridges in Paris inadvertently unlocks every single padlock lovers have left there over the years. L’Authoritié de Fée Folklorique are up in arms. He has no idea what all the fuss is about. The noise was driving him mad. He just wanted a bit of peace and quiet.

A spell is cast, leaving the troll in a bit of a predicament. He is charged with the seemingly impossible task of fixing the locks before the spell can be reversed and he is allowed to return to his home. There are other complications, the least of which is the insistence and persistence of a fairy who is determined to help him against the wishes of his own people.

Now the troll has a dilemma. What is more important to him? The only home he has known for two thousand years, or a fairy he has just met?

A troll and a fairy teaming up might seem like an unlikely pairing.  There are many differences to overcome, a large one being the fact that Sol, the troll, is a grumpy sod whilst Lucien is all glittery sweetness (well he is a fairy).  Here is a glimpse of their initial meeting and it’s not going too well. (Can I slip in a “foul language” warning here?  The troll tells it how it is with no filters.)

“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Monsieur Troll. Je m’appelle Lucien.”

He jumps down from his perch and holds out a delicate, pale hand. His fingers are slight and slender and well-manicured. Next to my long thick, hairy claws, they are almost doll-like. I look down at his hand as if it’s something completely alien. I know what he’s doing, but I don’t have a fucking clue why he’d want to shake hands with a hairy old bastard like me.

“Er…alrigh’?” I manage to grunt, not wanting to sound too encouraging, but not wanting to seem bad-mannered either. I don’t shake the hand, though, and he tucks it away behind his back with an awkward grimace. “Look, Looshi, or whatever your name is—”

“It’s Lucien,” he corrects brightly.

“Whatever, fairy boy. I ain’t up here for a cosy little chin wag.” I sneer at him. “Nice to meet me? Don’t talk such bloody bollocks. Now do me a favour and bugger off.” I hook my thumb over my shoulder then turn my back to him.

I hope you enjoyed that.  Sorry if the language offends.  Sol never was one to care about what others think of him.

To find out what others are sharing on the Rainbow Snippets group this week hop on over by clicking here.

To find out more about Sol and Lucien and their world read my “Meet the Character” Blogs.  Click here to find the first one.

Locked in the Moment is available 50% off at Smashwords this month, along with the entire Love Unlocked Anthology and other titles from Beaten Track Publishing. The links are here (for Locked in the Moment) and here (for the rest of Beaten Track titles).

Have a nice weekend everyone.




15 responses to “Rainbow Snippets 07/02

  1. Pingback: Rainbow Snippets 07/02 – Dale Cameron Lowry, Author

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