Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Book Birthday, Love Unlocked

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. I know it’s likely that most of us aren’t celebrating the way we’d wish to. Someone pointed out to me that St Valentine is also the patron saint of plague, so he seems to have all bases covered today.

Today is also a reminder that Beaten Track’s Anthology “Love Unlocked” celebrates its fourth Book Birthday. Has it really been four years? It seems to have flown by.

“Locked in the Moment”, included in the anthology, was my first published book. I’d written and shared stories before that, but this was the first that I could actually hold in my hand. So you can imagine that it holds a special place in my heart.

I thought I’d share a snippet to mark it’s fourth anniversary. The entire anthology is amazing. Why not give it all some love.

Available from Beaten Track, Smashwords and all the other usual places. The links can be found below.

Before I share a snippet, here is the blurb.

Due to a misunderstanding, the troll that lives underneath one of the most romantic bridges in Paris inadvertently unlocks every single padlock lovers have left there over the years. L’Authoritié de Fée Folklorique are up in arms. He has no idea what all the fuss is about.

The noise was driving him mad. He just wanted a bit of peace and quiet.

A spell is cast, leaving the troll in a bit of a predicament. He is charged with the seemingly impossible task of fixing the locks before the spell can be reversed and he is allowed to return to his home. There are other complications, the least of which is the insistence and persistence of a fairy who is determined to help him against the wishes of his own people.

Now the troll has a dilemma. What is more important to him? The only home he has known for two thousand years, or a fairy he has just met?

And now here is a snippet

I’m always discreet. Humans tend to freak out when they see a seven-foot-tall, black hairy troll walking about in the open, so I keep to the shadows, but a bloke has to eat. No one ever sees me, except the fairy on guard, that is.

“Bonjour, Monsieur Troll.” My eyes are assaulted by a mess of flaming auburn curls and pink, flushed cheeks. My fairy stalker.

He’s tiny, compared to me. He’s probably small by human standards as well, but I wouldn’t know. I just know that he’s small, annoying and perched on one of the bridge posts, grinning at me smugly. His tiny legs are crossed at the ankles while he casually eats pink-coloured ice cream with a spoon. It’s the middle of the bloody night. Where did he get ice cream?

This one’s pretty determined. I’ve seen him around before. He doesn’t just sit and watch; he tries to bloody speak to me as well. All I ever do is grunt at him, but he never seems to give up and he always sounds so bloody cheerful. Bloody fairies.

“How are you this fine evening, Monsieur?” His very blue eyes regard me with interest.

Ha! The only interest he has in me is whether or not I’m up to no good. This time, I’m up here to do something about the noise. He doesn’t know that, though. Let him try and stop me.

“Is there anything I can help you with, Monsieur Troll?” He just won’t give up.

“Nuffing, fanks.” I grunt and then turn my back. He’ll get the message.

He doesn’t get the message.

“Ah, but I am forgetting my manners.” He rolls his sparkling eyes that are framed by thick auburn lashes. “Allow me to introduce myself. Je m’appelle Lucien.” And now he’s speaking to me in French. This is going to be interesting. “Would you like some of my ice cream?”

Locked in the Moment and all the other stories from the Love Unlocked Anthology are available to buy separately or all together in the anthology. Link below:

Locked in the Moment, Love Unlocked

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

Click here to find out what others have shared this week.

Happy Holiday Freebies

It’s that time of year again folks, when all the halls are decked, sugar plums are dancing around in our dreams and Smashwords have their annual sale.

All of my books are either discounted or free over on the Smashwords site. All of my Christmas stories are available for free until 31st December. I’ve included Not a Word in this group. It isn’t technically a Christmas story, but it has a bonus Christmas Epilogue.

If you want to know more about these stories find them on my Smashwords profile.

Beaten Track Publishing has many more discounted or free titles in the Smashwords sale. To browse their list click here.

Have a lovely holiday. I know many of us can’t celebrate the way we wanted, with friends and family. I feel for every single person who has had their Christmas plans shattered by the new UK restrictions. Hang in there, everyone. We’ll get through it.

Rainbow Snippets 06/14

Rainbow Snippets

Another week: another post.

I was scheduled to go back to work this week, now that I’m over my bout of plague. However, I’m not actually needed until September, which leaves me with mixed feelings of relief and disappointment. I miss the kids I support at school, but I was anxious about how they would cope in such a different environment for the rest of this term. I do realise how lucky I am to have such a long summer ahead with nothing to do whilst still being paid. Hopefully I’ll be able to churn out some stories.

My snippet this week is from one of my backlist: A Springful of Winters.

The story is told from the point of view of Kit Winters, a young man with Autism. I often wonder how Kit would cope with all the changes we’ve seen in the world over the last few months.


First, here’s the blurb, handwritten as it is on the actual cover of the book, by the wonderful artist Steve Lancaster.

Blurb 2

In this snippet, Kit has just relayed an unfortunate encounter with Stephan to his boss Yenta. He knows he was quite rude to the man, but doesn’t know how to make things better.

“You should apologise to him,” Yenta suggests, and I sense she is about to make this an order that she knows I will never refuse.

“I did that already,” I remind her.

“I don’t mean something you just threw at him while you were running away.” She waves her finger at me. “I mean a proper apology, with flowers.”

“Flowers? Yenta, flowers are for funerals.”

“Okay, beer, then, or whatever you think a man would want as an apology from another man who likes him.”

“Likes him?” I choke.

“Kit Winters.” Yenta rarely calls me anything but Lapushka, and even more rarely uses my full name. I am in real trouble now. “Are you a man or a parrot?”

I want to say I’m a parrot, because then I could fly off and hide in a tree. Instead, I lower my eyes and shuffle my feet as I reply.

“I’m a man.”

You can find A Springful of Winters at Beaten Track Publishing, Smashwords and Amazon.

A Springful of Winters was written for the Seasons of Love Anthology which can also be found at Beaten Track Publishing.

Seasons cover2

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

To Find out what others are sharing this week go to the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group.

Steve Lancaster, the wonderful artist who designed the cover for A Springful of Winters, has been creating art throughout this lockdown period. He shares them every day on his facebook page Weirdly Bay. He’s about to compile all of his lockdown doodles in a book. Watch this space because I’ll be blogging about it as soon as it’s ready to share.

Weirdly Bay

Rainbow Snippets 06/07

Rainbow Snippets

Hi, it’s been a month since I last posted a snippet, so I thought I’d better get my a*se in gear.

There’s not been much writing done since I last posted, but things are gradually beginning to move. My characters are speaking to me again. Sometimes all at once, which can be a bit confusing and frustrating. Maybe it’s because they’ve been quiet for so long and they’ve got a lot to say.

I’m sharing a snippet from my WIP “Live a Little”, featuring Jules, a headteacher, and Tristan, an English and Drama teacher in the same school.

In this snippet, we see Jules, who feels he has just made a complete fool of himself whilst conducting an interview, Deputy Head Suzy trying to find out what is wrong with him, and Jules’s daughter, Amy, colluding with her father to get him off the hook.

“Jules, you’re still here, good.” Suzy steps into my office without knocking and I suppress a groan. She did warn me that she would be speaking to me later. I might still be able to head her off at the pass if I keep my cool.

“Suzy. Amy and I were just about to leave. Amy has somewhere she needs to be in an hour.”

“I do?” Amy asks in surprise before she sees my expression and quickly changes the question to a statement. “I do, yes, that’s right, I’m off to…the theatre.”


We both add a different event to which Suzy reacts with understandable disbelief whilst I give Amy a helpless look.

“It’s a theatre production at the swimming pool.” Amy adds.

“Theatre at the pool?” Suzy raises her eyebrows, her tone suspicious.

“It’s a synchronised swimming production by the local amateur operatic society.” Amy embellishes. “At the pool, obviously, because they couldn’t get a big enough tank onto the stage.” After a pause for dramatic effect, Amy tugs at my sleeve. “Come on, Dad, if we don’t leave now, we’ll end up sitting in the splash zone.”

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

To Find out what people have posted this week click here. This will take you to the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group.

This weekend I’m taking part in a book release party over on Bacon and Elves which is Kasia Bacon’s Facebook group. Her new release “When I First Saw Red” was released on Friday and takes place in her Order Series world. Here is the link for her Amazon profile where you will find all of her books.


Find my books on Smashwords, Beaten Track Publishing and on Amazon.

If you want to follow me on any of my other social media here are some links.





Feel free to join me in my facebook group “Love Inside the Rainbow”.

Love Inside the Rainbow (3)






Rainbow Snippets 03/15

Rainbow Snippets

Hello and welcome to another Rainbow Snippet.

I made a promise over on my Facebook group, after seeing a gif of a Raccoon washing its paws, that I would share an excerpt of that actual scene in my romantic comedy “Eagle Man and Mister Hawk”.



Ethan isn’t good at first impressions. His job gets in the way. His chosen career isn’t conducive to forming meaningful relationships either and it hasn’t really bothered him until now. Then Alex appears on the scene. Bookish and shy, but gorgeous Alex, who might be put off by bad first impressions and who Ethan just might want to form a meaningful relationship with.

Here is the snippet with a link to the longer excerpt beneath.

“Yogi, BooBoo, go and wash your hands!” I order my two wayward raccoons.

They immediately slink along the bench and fight for space around the sink in order to wash their hands while Alex looks on in bemusement.

He turns to look at me. “Seriously?”

I nod. “Seriously! They dig for worms in the garden and eat grubs out of rotten stuff, Hawk. They wash their hands before they sit at the table.”

“They sit at the table?” He looks even more bemused.

“Where else are they going to eat?”

If you want to read the longer excerpt you can find it here along with links to get the story for free.

And just in case the thought of a Raccoon washing their hands sounded a little far-fetched, here’s the evidence.


Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

To find out what others are sharing this week click here to find the Rainbow Snippets Group and this week’s post.


A Longer Snippet


As promised on my Facebook Group, here’s a longer excerpt from Eagle Man and Mister Hawk. Relevant at this moment in time, because it involves handwashing Raccoons (yes, you read that right: handwashing Raccoons). If Raccoons can do it, so can us humans.

The blurb:

Ethan isn’t good at first impressions. His job gets in the way. His chosen career isn’t conducive to forming meaningful relationships either and it hasn’t really bothered him until now. Then Alex appears on the scene. Bookish and shy, but gorgeous Alex, who might be put off by bad first impressions and who Ethan just might want to form a meaningful relationship with.

The story is told from both Ethan’s and Alex’s point of view. This excerpt is from Ethan’s POV. Ethan has just had a rather nasty encounter with one of his “crew”, a disturbed Golden Eagle named Rupert who, due to an unfortunate accident, attacked Ethan and left him bruised and cut. Alex helped to clean his wounds and has returned for the evening to look after Ethan overnight and help him with his many pets.

“I’m okay with you staying, Hawk. More than okay. Thanks.” I give him my brightest smile, but it pales in comparison to his.

My heart misses several beats, and all the oxygen has been consumed by the fire he’s set inside me. Oh my god, if this is falling then I don’t ever want to stop.

“Ethan!” He looks concerned, brushing his fingers across my forehead, laying his hand gently on my tender chest. “Are you really okay? You look a little dazed.”

“Yes.” I nod. I can’t tell him he’s suddenly become the most important thing in my life. It’s hardly the right time. He’ll run a fucking mile. Fortunately, I have a good excuse. “I took painkillers before you came. They’re pretty strong.”

“So basically, you’re high right now?”

“I’d be high anyway, because you’re here.”

“Right!” he snorts, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “Let’s get these animals fed before you fall asleep and they start eating you instead.”

I chuckle. “That’ll never happen, Hawk, they all love me too much.”

He doesn’t look convinced. He moves to get off my lap, but I stop him.

“Hey, I’m a lovable guy.”

“I’m sure you are.” He leans in and kisses me again, soft and slow and altogether too damn well. He is far too good at this. It’s always the quiet ones!

He gets up, leaving my lap, and my lips, feeling empty and cold.

“So, come on, tell me what to do with these animals before you get any more high.”

I chuckle. He’s approached the bench where everyone is still waiting patiently.

“Yogi, BooBoo, go and wash your hands!” I order my two wayward raccoons.

They immediately slink along the bench and fight for space around the sink in order to wash their hands while Alex looks on in bemusement.

He turns to look at me. “Seriously?”

I nod. “Seriously! They dig for worms in the garden and eat grubs out of rotten stuff, Hawk. They wash their hands before they sit at the table.”

“They sit at the table?” He looks even more bemused.

“Where else are they going to eat?” I ignore his incredulous laugh. We have manners in this house; we are not animals! Well, all right, some of us are. “There’s some grapes in the fridge for them.” I continue to explain the feeding routine to Alex. “And there’s some sweetcorn for Beorn.”

At the sound of her name and the flick of my fingers for her to come, my unruly cockatoo flies over to land on my hand. She has managed to not squawk too badly, or swear any more since Alex first arrived. She presents her head to be scratched. It’s her way of showing she’s sorry and re-establishing the bond through grooming. I pick out a treat from the bag I hid in my pocket earlier. She takes it and then settles on the arm of the chair to eat.

“You have an endless supply of treats in your pocket, I’m sure,” Alex comments, watching me with interest and a little respect, I think. I shrug.

“That’s the real reason all of my animals love me so much, Hawk. I’m a constant, consistent source of food.”

He frowns, as if he doesn’t quite believe me. I am under no illusions that my crew would switch their loyalties in a heartbeat to whoever has the food; a fact being demonstrated quite effectively right now, since they are all ignoring me and only seem to have eyes for Alex. I have to admit, so do I.


“Eagle Man and Mister Hawk” is available from Beaten Track, or Smashwords for free. Don’t forget to check out my other free titles on my Smashwords profile.

If you’re here from my Rainbow Snippets post, then please do pop on over to Facebook and join my group, like my page, or follow me on Instagram and Twitter.



Rainbow Snippets 02/15

Love Inside the Rainbow

Here’s another snippet from my WIP, a direct carry on from last week’s which you can find here.

As you might recall, Tristan has just burst into Jules’ kitchen wearing nothing but boxer briefs, stating he locked himself out of his apartment. Jules quickly finds him something to wear.

I grab the first thing I can find, which is my fleece dressing gown that’s still on the radiator where I left it after my shower. Thankfully it’s dry and warm now.

“Here.” I hand it to Tristan, trying my best not to stare because he doesn’t need me ogling his body.

“Thanks, Jules.” He wraps it around his shoulders, giving a shudder of delight. “Oh, it’s so warm.”

“Yes, it’s been on the radiator,” I tell him, a little distracted by the fact he’s covered his face with the sleeve of the robe and is taking a deep breath through his nose, his eyes closed in contentment. “It’s, er, mine.”

He opens his eyes, his nose and mouth still covered, but I can tell he’s smiling. “Oh, I know it’s yours,” his voice is muffled by the dressing gown sleeve, “it smells of your shower gel.”

The WIP has a working title of “Live a Little”. It’s an age gap romance, Jules being the older of the two.

I have written a couple of age gap romances, one of which is free. If anyone is interested in discovering them, they’re available here:

See You Smile (free story)

See You

Not a Word (from Beaten Track Publishing)

Front cover

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

To find out what others are sharing this week go over to the Facebook group here.

Not a Word opposites 31


Hi, if you’re here from the Bike Book Reviews Facebook Party, welcome.


Here you’ll find all my links.

Feel free to follow me on any of my social media, and do pop along to my Facebook Group: Love Inside the Rainbow. I regularly share snippets and excerpts from my current WIPs and also releases and book recs from other awesome authors.






Beaten Track Publishing

My Profile on Beaten Track


My most recent release is a freebie, available from Smashwords and Prolific Works. I wrote it as part of the 2019 Rainbow Advent Calendar. See my blog post here for more details.

Shutter Angel (3)


For details of my other titles either click on the link to my Smashwords Profile, or Beaten Track, or find them here or here on this blog site.

Now get back to the BBR party for more party fun and giveaways.

Thanks for popping over.

Thank You, Ana






Rainbow Snippets 12/28

Pink and Red Beauty Influencer Asymmetrical Overlays Facebook Cover (1)

And just like that, the year is almost over.

Here is my last snippet of the year and it comes with free stories, discounted stories, and a hope that next year will be a better one for all of us.

I know a lot of you out there have had a hard time over the last twelve months. Me, included. I got sick, spent time in hospital, and lost my job because of it. I managed to find another job, but we are still struggling over the backlash and clawing our way back to normal. Christmas, this year has been a lean one.

Yet, I am one of the lucky ones. I have friends and family that make the hard times easier to bear and have had some wonderful times that have made the bad times fade into the background.

Despite everything, I still managed to write and today I’m sharing a snippet from the seasonal story I shared on the Rainbow Advent Calendar. It’s called Shutter Angel. This is available for free, as are all of the stories from the Calendar, throughout December. Most remain free beyond that.

You can find Shutter Angel on Smashwords or Prolific Works.

Smashwords have their end of year sale, as usual, and all of my books are enrolled. This means some are discounted, but a total of seven of my stories are available for free. Check them all out on my Smashwords Profile.

First here is a snippet from Shutter Angel. All of the links are available below.

Shutter Angel (3)


Gideon is facing the Christmas period alone and finds the prospect not too unpleasant. When he meets Luca, however, he sees an opportunity to spend at least some of the holiday weekend in the company of someone he finds extremely attractive, as long as he can overcome a couple of hurdles along the way.

Angels come in all shapes and sizes.

This story contains scenes of intimacy between two men. Some drunkenness and a lot of falling over. Drink responsibly and don’t drink pink marshmallow flavoured gin alone, folks.

The Snippet:

Mystery guy was still there, watching the hustle and bustle of the market square. As soon as Gideon glanced over the guy lifted his hand in another wave.

Not wanting to let the opportunity pass him by again Gideon also lifted his hand to wave, forgetting he was holding a heavy table. The table slipped from his other hand, causing him to jump to one side to avoid it landing on his foot. Unfortunately, as he jumped, he collided with one of the other tables already set up and tipped it and its contents across the pavement. He tripped over the second table as it fell over, landing in a heap amongst cardboard cups, spoons, and paper napkins.

“Gideon, what the hell are you doing?” Agnes shrieked as she also dropped her end of the table unable to hold it because of the momentum of Gideon’s fall pulled it from her grip. When she realised Gideon had fallen, however, she changed her tone. “Gid, sweetheart, are you alright?”

“Yes, I think so,” he groaned, not daring to move yet just in case he had done some damage.

“What happened?” Agnes held out a hand to help him up. 

Gideon took it, wiping spilled sugar from his face and sleeve as he was pulled to his feet.

“Wave back to him you said.” He grumbled. “What’s the worst that could happen, you said?”

Now here are the links:

Shutter Angel is available from Smashwords and Prolific Works.

Find my other books, free, or discounted on my Smashwords Profile.

Pink and Red Beauty Influencer Asymmetrical Overlays Facebook Cover

fifty percent off

Learn more about the Rainbow Advent Calendar here or in the Facebook group.

Rainbow Snippets  is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!). Find all the other snippets here.

Have a wonderful and safe New Year, lovelies. See you all in 2020.

Rainbow Snippets 10/27


Hi guys, it’s that time of year again when thousands of us writers from all over the world, gather around our cosy computers, batten down the hatches and churn out 50,000 words in a month.

NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, takes place from the 1st to the 30th of November every year and is now in its twentieth year. That’s twenty years’ worth of novels that NaNoWriMo has helped people write.

I first took part in NaNoWriMo in 2012 and haven’t looked back since. Now with several published novels and short stories that all began their lives as NaNoWriMo projects, I’d say the event has been a fantastic support to my writing process.

Another fantastic support forum has been Rainbow Snippets, and although I don’t post every week, it does help motivate me when I see everyone else’s snippets each week.

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

To see what others are sharing this week pop over to the Rainbow Snippets Facebook Group and don’t forget to share everywhere.

Now for my Snippet this week. This is a story that you will definitely be seeing more of over the next few weeks. More about that in later posts.

These bloody shutters will be the death of me.

Why did I agree to lock up after choir practice when I know I can’t reach the security shutters? Even on a good day, I’d be struggling, but Agnes, the choir leader, she’s six foot four and always pushes them up so high that even a normal height person would struggle to reach them. Me? I’m five foot six. The shortest tenor in the choir. So short, I have to stand on an exercise step so I can be seen behind the altos and even then I’m pushing it. If any of them have done their hair in a high style I’m knackered. I’m just glad that beehives are well out of fashion.

Don’t forget to share, guys.

You can find me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

I’m also on the Beaten Track Publishing Website along with a whole host of awesome authors. Check them all out at Beaten Track Publishing.

Take care everyone and good luck to everyone else doing NaNo.
