Rainbow Snippets 03/26

Welcome to Spring everyone.

This season heralds the beginning of new life.  However, everyone celebrates that beginning differently.  My family celebrate it as Easter.  So Happy Easter from me.  I’m off to Church, and then I’m going to eat lots of chocolate.

I have several WIPs on the go right now and can’t seem to settle or focus on one specifically.  Camp NaNoWriMo begins next Friday and I’m hoping to work on one of them, but maybe I’ll work on all of them at once.

My snippet this week is from a WIP named Moonlight Wolf.

Blurb: Castile Steven’s life is turned upside down when his boyfriend takes off with everything they own, leaving him penniless and homeless.  To keep from sleeping on the streets, Cas finds himself accepting a job as a live in office manager on a remote ranch in Wyoming.  He swaps city life for the country and discovers that far from being easier and safer, living somewhere so wild has its own set of complications and dangers.

Background: He’s just discovered that going outside alone at night can be just as hazardous in the country as it is in the city, except it isn’t a mugging that he avoids this time but a mauling from a bear.


“It wasn’t the bear’s hide that was in danger tonight, Cas.” Grey told him, his expression dark. He grabbed Castile’s shoulders tightly. “Promise me you’ll never go out there alone again, Prairie.”

“Y-yes, I promise.”

“Good.” Grey turned away from him. “Now go to bed.  We’ll track that bear tomorrow and see where it went.” Grey turned to go, but Cas couldn’t leave it at that.  He grabbed Grey’s sleeve to stop him.

“Grey.” He didn’t really know what to say, but Grey had spent the last four weeks avoiding him.  Ever since that first kiss and the fight, and then there’d been the accident and the second kiss.  He’d hoped that by staying behind this weekend he and Grey could talk, come to some sort of understanding, because Grey obviously cared.  And there was that damn name. Prairie. Why did Grey keep calling him that?

“You saved my life.” Cas murmured. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Prairie.” 


Check out what other Snippeteers are sharing this week by hopping over to the Rainbow Snippets Facebook page .

Camp NaNoWriMo is a novel writing event that begins on April 1st.  If anyone would like to join us, we have set up some cabins on the website with some discussion threads in the Goodreads M/M Romance Writers group.




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