Rainbow Snippets 12.03.16

Gosh, is it Rainbow Snippet time again?  The week has flown by.

I have several WIPs on the go at the minute.  I’m having trouble focusing on one so I’m flitting.

This is from a story I hope to finish soon, called “Seven Tears”.  It is a contemporary supernatural story set on the fictional Outer Hebridean island of Ona.

After a drunken binge, the MC, Fion (pronounced Fin) has fallen asleep on an old wooden jetty near his home.  He is woken sometime later, probably midnight, to the sound of singing.  He sees a figure, shrouded in mist, sitting at the end of the jetty.

The figure was singing softly in Gaelic.  It was a song Fion recognised from his childhood: A sad, haunting melody his Granda had sung to him many times.  He’d not heard that particular song in a very long time and it brought back memories that pulled at his heart.

Fion forgot his hangover, and forgot his churning stomach as he rose to a proper sitting position for a clearer view of the singer.  The movement caused the planks of the jetty to creak, alerting the figure.  He stopped singing to turn and glance back at Fion.

“Oh, you’re awake.” A soft, silken voice called with such joy it filled Fion with inexplicable warmth.

The mist cleared and Fion sat mesmerised and breathless as he gazed into the dark, velvety eyes of perhaps the most enchantingly beautiful man he had ever seen.

So there you go.  Mysterious figures shrouded in magical mist.

In case you are interested, the song I had in mind for the mysterious stranger to sing is Fear a Bhata (The Boatman). To hear the song performed by the beautiful Karen Matheison of Capercaillie click here. There is also Ailein Duinn (Brown-Haired Alan), which is hauntingly appropriate to my story

To see what Rainbow Snippets have been shared by others this week click here.

Have a nice week everyone.

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